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Waldkliniken Eisenberg



Our Department of Anaesthesia looks after around 90 percent of our hospitalised patients. In all interventions and operations, we sit down with you and draw up the best possible therapy concept for all aspects of your treatment.

The main areas of focus are individual counselling before the operation, specification of the method of anaesthesia, and care in the recovery room or on the intensive care ward after the operation. In addition, the anaesthetists prepare analgesic therapy specially adjusted to the requirements of the operation.

Cardiovascular system, ventilation and the patient’s sleep are monitored continuously on the state-of-the-art devices. During the entire intervention, you are cared for at all times by an anaesthetist assisted by a specially trained nurse.

We pay special attention to the care of children. Children under the age of 2 years are cared for in the operating theatre by specially trained anaesthetists. The child’s safety is at the forefront of our actions at all times, which is why we work closely with our colleagues from the paediatric department at Jena University Hospital. Parents have the opportunity to accompany their children up to the operating theatre and to help look after them in the recovery room directly after the operation.

Our team of doctors

Martina Lange

036691 8-1163


Specialist for anaesthesia and Intensive care; emergency medicine, special pain therapy

Uwe Koschel

Specialist for anaesthesia; emergency medicine

Daniela Volkert

036691 8-1117

Head of department of intensive care medicine

Specialist for anaesthesia; Special anaesthesia intensive care medicine, emergency medicine, hygiene officer

Christiane Harrweg

Head of department of anaesthesia

Specialist for anaesthesia; emergency medicine, executive emergency doctor

Marijke Palutke-Kaiser

Specialist for anaesthesia, intensive care medicine

Davia Herrmann-Karbaum

036691 8-1117

Frank Saul

Specialist for anaesthesia and intensive care;
emergency medicine, special pain therapy, palliative medicine

Pierre Kley-Madaus

Specialist for anaesthesia; emergency medicine, executive emergency doctor

Vlasislav Vlasakov

Specialist for anaesthesia; emergency medicine, executive emergency doctor

Annegret Krause

Specialist for anaesthesia

Mauricio Arnoldt

Specialist for anaesthesia; intensive care medicine; emergency medicine, executive emergency doctor

Julia Schwarz

Martin Orendac

Sybille Straub

Specialist for anaesthesia;
emergency medicine

Oleksander Gluz

Specialist for anaesthesia

Andreas Rudolph

Christian Seidel

The most common anaesthesia methods used

General anaesthesia

The term general anaesthesia refers to the blocking of consciousness, pain relief during surgery and, if required for the operation, also relaxation of the muscles. As a standard procedure used throughout the world, the technique of general anaesthesia is extremely safe. All organ functions, the cardiovascular system and respiration (ventilation) are monitored continuously. All data are recorded electronically.

The airways are kept open using a laryngeal mask or a tube. Placement can be made under videolaryngoscopic guidance, and only in isolated cases with the aid of fibreoptic intubation in the event of severe spinal or laryngeal anomalies. Our patients regularly receive a prophylaxis against nausea after the operation. The depth of anaesthesia is additionally monitored. This is done to prevent the patient from waking up during the operation, but also to ensure that the anaesthesia is not too deep, which would in turn endanger the patient’s recovery.

Regional anaesthesia

Not every intervention requires general anaesthesia. Regional anaesthesia shuts down the sensation of pain in certain regions of the body, without impairing consciousness. In addition, if desired, patients can be given a sleep medication, which puts them into a twilight sleep during the intervention.

Particularly in the case of orthopaedic interventions, patients benefit from local anaesthetic procedures, often in combination with general anaesthesia. This shortens the recovery period and is easier on the patient’s immune system, while it is often also sensible to shield the patient from the conditions during the operation.

In addition, physiotherapists or ergotherapists can start more quickly with postoperative mobilisation – which for the patients means that they can go home earlier and get back to their familiar daily routine.


Spinal anaesthesia and epidural anaesthesia

We apply spinal anaesthesia and epidural anaesthesia in operations from the navel downwards and when removing tumours from the abdominal cavity, as well as in the case of operations on the spine.

When we refer to epidural anaesthesia, we do not inject into the spinal cord itself, as is often falsely assumed, but in the vicinity of the nerves that emerge from it. Advantages are that it is more sparing on the immune system, the incidence of pneumonia is reduced and of course pain is minimised.

The advantages of spinal anaesthesia are especially to be seen in knee arthroplasty: fewer thromboses, less blood loss and better respiration. During the operation, patients can sleep and listen to their own playlists. Don’t forget to bring your smartphone.


Brachial plexus block

We apply a brachial plexus block in interventions on the hand, arm and shoulder. Depending on the area of the operation, the anaesthetist injects the anaesthetic into the network of nerves …
… of the armpit.
… below or above the collarbone.
… in the area of the anterior neck muscles

Which approach is chosen essentially depends on the site of the operation. In the case of shoulder operations, the injection of anaesthetic into the side of the neck can sometimes be rather unpleasant, but it is a necessary measure for combatting the pain. Interscalene plexus blockade is the most efficient method for pain treatment after shoulder operations. We place the pain catheter under sonographic guidance and check that it is functioning twice a day.


Lumbosacral plexus block

The leg is supplied by two large networks of nerves, the lumbar plexus and the sacral plexus. Depending on the area to be operated on, individual nerves from these networks can be localised with the aid of sonography or nerve stimulation and anaesthetised.

Intensive care

Intensive care

In our interdisciplinary intensive care ward, every year we take care of around 1,000 people with impairments of vital organ functions or for monitoring after surgical interventions. The latter makes it possible for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, the respiratory tract and other sever accompanying diseases to undergo endoprosthetic or spinal operations.


Today’s modern perioperative medicine, in conjunction with intensive care medicine, provides an improvement in quality of life; for example, through implantation of a hip replacement that would previously have been impossible due to the patient’s prior medical history.

We care for patients with blood poisoning (sepsis), pneumonia, disorders of cardiovascular function, poisoning and after accidents.

The excellent equipment on the ward enables us to replace organ functions as required (artificial ventilation, respiratory support, dialysis).

One important aspect of our work is ensuring that the patient’s will is respected. Beside taking into account living wills made by patients, we keep in close contact with patients and their relatives (or guardians) in order to enquire about the patients’ current wishes and to explain aspects of therapy. Our intention is to replace the anxiety that people experience in the face of high-tech medicine by trust.

Every minute counts where intensive therapeutic measures are concerned: Our doctors and nursing staff therefore have specialist training and extensive experience, so that they can provide the best possible care as quickly as possible in emergency situations.

On our interdisciplinary intensive care ward, we assist patients from all disciplines: We work closely together with our colleagues from the respective departments from which the patients were transferred.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. You may be assured that your relatives are given comprehensive information and instruction. We will be glad to enable you regular visits to the bedside.

Contact person:

Head of department of intensive care
Senior physician Daniela Volkert, MD

Specialist for spec. anaesthesia, intensive care medicine; emergency medicine




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