Waldkliniken Eisenberg
Patient safety
A high degree of safety is what you expect and what we aim to deliver.
With more than 1,000 operations in knee and hip arthroplasty as well as several hundred operations in the other fields of orthopaedics, we have a high level of routine practice and clinical experience.
Our qualities become apparent when you look at the short average duration of surgery in a Germany-wide comparison, considering the fact that a long duration of surgery has a proven detrimental influence on the rate of infection.
The effect is similar with regard to the shorter postoperative stay at our hospital. This also reduces the risk of infection and gets you back to your family more quickly.
DIn this way, we not only increase your quality of life, but also give you the possibility to get well again quickly in your own home surroundings.
In our institution, we have taken many measures that go far beyond the standards on the subject of patient safety in German hospitals.
The selection given below shows you why you are in the best of hands at the Waldkliniken Eisenberg.
Patient wristband
At admission, among other things you will be given your own personal patient wristband. This contains all of the necessary details of your identity and is designed to ensure your safety, for example when it comes to preparation for surgery, the administration of medication or transfer to a different ward.
If you have taken a look at our documentary series, you will have come across the expression for this coined by Sister Esta: “Our all-inclusive wristband”.
Extra shower
Swedish dispenser
Actually, they are officially called “point of care” dispensers and are used to disinfect the hands. However, the inspiration for them came from Sweden, which explains why they were given this name.
A Swedish dispenser is attached to the end of every bed and is thus always within your field of vision and reachable within an arm’s length for the medical staff. The easy accessibility of disinfectants at the “Point of Care”, the area in which infection-critical tasks are carried out, is an important measure in the field of patient safety.
A functioning hand disinfection has been proved to lower the risk of infection by around 50 percent. It therefore goes without saying for us to make use of this possibility.
We thus implemented a recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) at an early stage and have established it at the Waldkliniken Eisenberg – an important fact, considering that this dispenser is not an accepted standard in German hospitals.
Clean hands campaign
In 2017, we were the only hospital in eastern Thuringia to be given the gold award by the "Clean hands campaign". The Waldkliniken Eisenberg belong to the 35 institutions with the gold certificate of the national campaign for the improvement of hand disinfection in German healthcare facilities. More than 1,000 healthcare institutions took part in this campaign.
It has been demonstrated that our employees are aware of the importance of permanently maintaining hygiene standards. These standards apply to hand hygiene for five relevant situations, as defined by the WHO (World Health Organization): before contact with the patient, before aseptic activities, after contact with potential infectious material, after contact with the patient, as well as after contact with surfaces in the immediate vicinity of the patient.
Surgical safety checklist
An important instrument for increasing patient safety in operations are surgical safety checklists. Again, we have substantially implemented a recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) here.
The checklist is divided into three phases: The time before anaesthesia, the phase before the first incision, and the moment before the surgery patient leaves the operating theatre again.
Our surgery team takes all the time required to exclude all sources of error, as far as possible, in advance. With the aid of this questionnaire, your safety is decisively improved.
MDRO screening
The objective of MDRO screening is to identify asymptomatic carriers of multi-drug resistant organisms (for example, bacteria such as MRSA against which certain antibiotics are no longer effective), in order to take hygiene measures above and beyond the basic hygiene standards.
The term screening denotes the active and targeted search for persons carrying MDROs, regardless of whether or not they display clinical symptoms.
To this end, we will give you a questionnaire in advance, which you can complete with our help. If there is any suspicion that you might be carrying a multi-drug resistant organism, an MDRO schedule tailored to your individual needs will come into play as the situation requires, which will ensure you have the highest degree of safety on your way to surgery.
If patients test positive, the date of surgery is generally pushed back, so that the patient has a chance to recover from the infection. This is done for your own safety and for the safety of other patients.