Waldkliniken Eisenberg
German Centre for Orthopaedics
Excellent state-of-the-art medicine
At the Waldkliniken Eisenberg, you will be treated by experienced highly-qualified doctors. Our motto is: the highest quality in all fields. And the fact that we are given awards by renowned studies year after year confirms that we are achieving this goal.
On the basis of our evidence-based medicine under the leadership of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Matziolis, we achieve excellent results and thus ensure that we have satisfied patients.
Our low infection and complication rates, which are below the national average, are the best indicator of our quality and the safety of our patients.
Waldkliniken Eisenberg
Medical director
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Matziolis
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Matziolis belongs to the leading experts in the field of orthopaedics and arthroplasty internationally.
Professor Matziolis has received numerous awards for his work. His lectures at national and international specialist meetings and conferences have brought him a great reputation extending far beyond national boundaries.
Among other things, Professor Matziolis is a member of the German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma (DGOU), the European Knee Society (EKS) and the international SPAR-K developer group.
In 2011, he registered a patent for the clinical application of allogeneic cells for muscle regeneration.
Since November 2012, Professor Matziolis has been medical director of the Waldkliniken Eisenberg, chief physician of the German Centre for Orthopaedics and Professor of Orthopaedics at the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena.
Professor Matziolis, who was born in 1975, previously held the position of managing senior physician at the Charité in Berlin, where he worked from 2001 to 2012.
Waldkliniken Eisenberg
German Centre for Orthopaedics
Our team of doctors
We see ourselves as a partner to our patients. That is why we take the time to provide you with competent information and involve you in the medical decision-making process. Our team of doctors will accompany you reliably and competently on your way to recovery.
Knee Department

Markus Heinecke
Head of the Knee Department
Specialist for orthopaedics & trauma surgery; special trauma surgery, emergency medicine

Matthias Tichatschke
Specialist for orthopaedics & trauma surgery; special trauma surgery, manual medicine & chirotherapy

Claudia Brückner
Specialist for orthopaedics & trauma surgery
Julia Kirschberg
Specialist for orthopaedics & trauma surgery

Sebastian Rohe
Facharzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Deborah Kolitsch
Hip Department

apl. Prof. Dr. Steffen Brodt
Head of the Hip Department
Specialist for orthopaedics & trauma surgery; special trauma surgery, special orthopaedic surgery, emergency medicine
Dimitri Nowack
Facharzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Farid Suleyman
Specialist for orthopaedics & trauma surgery

Benjamin Jacob
Nadja Jacob
Fachärztin für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Spine Department

apl. Prof. Dr. Patrick Strube
Head of the Spine Department
Specialist for orthopaedics/trauma surgery; Specialist for orthopaedic surgery; Master’s certificate of the German Spine Society

Alexander Hölzl
Specialist for orthopaedics & trauma surgery; special trauma surgery, emergency medicine; Master’s certificate of the German Spine Society
Sophia Vogt
Fachärztin für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie

Chris Lindemann
Hand and Foot Surgery Department

Andreas Wagner
Head of the Hand and Foot Surgery Department
Specialist for orthopaedics; , rheumatology, hand surgery, special orthopaedic surgery, physical therapy and chirotherapy

Karina Busch-Litzenberger
Specialist for orthopaedics & trauma surgery
Stephan Reinhardt
Sports Department

Stefan Pietsch
Head of the Sports Department
Specialist for orthopaedics; chirotherapy, sports medicine
Lars Bischoff
Specialist for orthopaedics & trauma surgery

Sabrina Böhle
Fachärztin für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Paediatric Department

André Sachse
Head of the Paediatric Department
Specialist for orthopaedics & trauma surgery; paediatric orthopaedics, special orthopaedic surgery, chirotherapy, acupuncture

Manuela Loos
Specialist for orthopaedics & trauma surgery

Kristian Heinz
Facharzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Trauma Department

Matthias Bungartz
Specialist for surgery; trauma surgery, special traumatology, sports medicine
Hans-Christoph Löw
Specialist for orthopaedics & trauma surgery