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Waldkliniken Eisenberg

The people behind our story

Our Waldkliniken, with the widely acclaimed chair for Orthopaedics at the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, belong to the most innovative and experienced institutions in Germany.

With our departments of internal medicine, general and visceral surgery / coloproctology, and anaesthesia, we are responsible for providing comprehensive primary healthcare services for everyone in the Saale-Holzland district – on a high medical level. The Saale-Holzland district and the University Hospital of Jena are financially responsible for the Waldkliniken Eisenberg.

Managing Director

Managing Director David-Ruben Thies

David-Ruben Thies needed only a short time to achieve a turnaround and steer the Rudolf Elle GmbH back into the black. Since then, the Waldkliniken Eisenberg have seen stable economic success.

The Waldkliniken have also developed positively in the medical and scientific field over the past few years: With the appointment of the new medical director and holder of the chair for orthopaedics, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Matziolis, Thies managed to gain the services of a top-class doctor and medical specialist for Eisenberg.

Together, they have worked tirelessly to expand the Waldkliniken as a centre of excellence for orthopaedics and raise its international profile. In conjunction with this, there has been a change in research focus in the orthopaedics department towards patient-orientated research.

At the same time, David-Ruben Thies was involved in important healthcare policymaking in eastern Thuringia: In 2012, he negotiated the long-term continuation of the successful partnership between the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena and Eisenberg. This secured the chair for orthopaedics and the title of academic teaching hospital for the Waldkliniken – the foundation required to expand medical competences, gain financial funding and attract and retain excellent personnel in the long term.

Healthcare provision in the Saale-Holzland district and over 600 jobs in the Waldkliniken Eisenberg family have thus been secured for the future.

With the construction of the new ward block, the Waldkliniken have repeatedly been cited as a lighthouse project for Thuringia. The reason for this is the concept and the implementation of this new type of hospital architecture, with the star architect Matteo Thun (Milan).

In addition, together with his team, Thies has introduced new organisational structures. They make for more efficient processes and procedures at the Waldkliniken, for example with a departmental structure or in occupancy management. In this way, it was possible to achieve a sustainable improvement in patient satisfaction, which is an integral part of the new construction project.

Since January 2018, he has been running the hospital under its new name: Waldkliniken Eisenberg GmbH. The new company logo is a stylised oak leaf.

Prior to his appointment as managing director, David-Ruben Thies managed corporate development and communication at the SRH Central Hospital in Suhl. Before that, he was chairman of the staff council overseeing five municipal hospitals in Munich, with over 13,000 employees. The trained nurse then studied hospital management and worked as a project controller and later as a business manager in the administration directorate of the Munich-Schwabing Hospital.

Medical director

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Matziolis

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Matziolis belongs to the leading experts in the field of orthopaedics and arthroplasty internationally.

Professor Matziolis has received numerous awards for his work. His lectures at national and international specialist meetings and conferences have brought him a great reputation extending far beyond national boundaries.

Among other things, Professor Matziolis is a member of the German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma (DGOU), the European Knee Society (EKS) and the international SPAR-K developer group.

In 2011, he registered a patent for the clinical application of allogeneic cells for muscle regeneration.

Since November 2012, Professor Matziolis has been medical director of the Waldkliniken Eisenberg, chief physician of the German Centre for Orthopaedics and Professor of Orthopaedics at the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena.

Professor Matziolis, who was born in 1975, previously held the position of managing senior physician at the Charité in Berlin, where he worked from 2006 to 2012.

Secretary’s office:

Tel.: 036691 8-1011

Director of Nursing Development

Director of Nursing Development Prof. Dr. Olaf Scupin

Since 1 September 2017, as Director of Nursing Development, Prof. Dr. Olaf Scupin has been responsible for the concept implementation and further development of nursing care.

As a trained nurse, graduate in nursing management, organisational consultant, and professor for nursing management at the Ernst-Abbe University of Applied Sciences in Jena, Professor Scupin combines modern theoretical approaches with innovative implementation in practice.

Medical device officer

Medical device officer Uta Rosenstengel

The Waldkliniken Eisenberg have a central contact person who holds the position of officer for medical device safety in accordance with § 6 of the German medical devices ordinance MPBetreibVO and who performs the following duties:

  1. Contact person for the authorities and industry (manufacturers and distributors) in connection with notifications concerning risks of (technical) medical devices as well as in the implementation of necessary corrective measures
  2. Coordination of internal processes of the Waldkliniken for fulfilment of the duties of notification and cooperation of the users and operators
  3. Coordination of the implementation of corrective measures and the recall measures by the responsible parties in accordance with §5 of the German Medical Devices Act at the Waldkliniken Eisenberg

The officer is responsible for coordinating the stated measures and processes in cooperation with further specialist departments of the university hospital, such as purchasing, the pharmacy and quality management.


Tel.: 036691 8-1561
Email: medizinprodukte(at)waldkliniken-eisenberg.de

Data protection officer

Data protection officer

The data about you that are stored here are subject to the strict provisions of data protection. We treat all of your personal details, examination results and findings confidentially. If you would like to allow your close relatives to receive information about the state of your health, you may release your doctors from their duty of secrecy.

In accordance with Art. 37 of the German data protection ordinance DS-GVO, we have appointed a data protection officer. You can contact this person by post or by email in all questions to do with data protection.


E-Mail: dsb(at)waldkliniken-eisenberg.de

Hygiene officer

Hygiene officer Marco Zesing

First, the good news: The majority of infections in hospital can be avoided: quite simply by proper hand hygiene. It is the most effective and at the same time cheapest measure for preventing nosocomial infections. For this reason, our doctors and nursing staff are repeatedly reminded about the importance of hygiene and are regularly trained in this subject..

“In our ward block, it is virtually impossible to walk five metres without passing a disinfectant dispenser,” says hygiene specialist Marco Zesing. The registered nurse has been working at our hospital since 1998 and qualified as a hygiene specialist in 2011. He is supported in his work by senior physician Dr. Daniela Volkert, specialist in intensive care medicine at the Waldkliniken Eisenberg.

“30 seconds for the health of our patients. 30 seconds that can avoid an infection!” This is our motto on hand disinfection.

Up until a few years ago, hygiene played a minor role in the patients’ choice of hospital, but today the reverse is true. Excellent hygiene is an important feature of quality and is often an indication of how the whole hospital works. We are aware of this and do everything we can to make your stay in hospital as safe and pleasant as possible. Visitors to our Waldkliniken can also contribute to good hygiene by using the disinfectant dispenser available in the hospital. A special feature here is that a disinfectant dispenser is installed on every bed. This is not a standard feature in Germany.

Unfortunately, an infection in hospital is not always avoidable. The administration of antibiotics in livestock fattening and the common and often unnecessary prescription of antibiotics to patients with nonbacterial infections have led to the development of increasing numbers of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDRO).

Many people are now carriers of such germs – mostly without knowing it. This development has effects on hospitals, as multi-drug resistant organisms are carried into the hospitals by patients. In order to counteract this development, for example all risk patients are tested for MRSA using a standardised procedure.

If it is suspected that a person is carrying an infection, every effort is made to determine the potential pathogens as quickly as possible. This enables us to give a targeted antibiotic treatment and reduces the risk for patients of the development of (multi-drug) resistances.

As a result of successful measures, the Waldkliniken Eisenberg belong to the three hospitals in Thuringia that can boast the GOLD seal of the "Clean hands campaign". The campaign to improve hand hygiene was brought into being by the World Health Organization WHO.


Tel.: 036691 8-1308
Email: m.zesing(at)waldkliniken-eisenberg.de

Quality manager

Quality manager Manuela Henneberg

Patients at our hospital should rest assured that they will receive the best possible treatment. Therefore, we inform them regularly in our quality reports about the structures and processes in our house. Apart from this, we tell them about the guidelines along which our work is orientated and how medicine and care work together in the interest of achieving quality.


Telefon: 036691 8-1846
Email: [email protected]

Qualitätsbericht 2022

Qualitätsbericht 2021

Qualitätsbericht 2020

Qualitätsbericht 2019

Qualitätsbericht 2018

Qualitätsbericht 2017

Qualitätsbericht 2016

Qualitätsbericht 2015

Qualitätsbericht 2014

Further contact persons

Andreas Bauer (Employees’ council)



Toren Böhnel (Nursing manager)



Sylvia Orlamünder (Personnel manager)



Roy Pechmann (Head of the technical department)



Andreas Rossa (Head of IT)



Annegret Steinbrück (Head of central purchasing)



Dr. Ronny Rüger (Head of the pharmacy)



Clemens Engelhardt (Head of orthopaedic technology)



Jeannine Serfling (Authorised signatory)



Cornelia Göbel (Head of the Kneipp® kindergarten)


Waldkliniken Eisenberg

Our subsidiaries

The Waldkliniken Eisenberg are more than just a hospital. As a reliable healthcare partner, they offer people living in the Saale-Holzland district comprehensive and competent medical care.

Beside the Waldkliniken, the Eisenberg family includes the Rudolf Elle Service GmbH, the Ostthüringer Polikliniken (a community health centre), the Kneipp kindergarten and the Orthopaedic technology department.

Orthopaedic technology & medical supply store

Orthopaedic technology & medical supply store

Our orthopaedic technology department cooperates closely with the doctors and therapists of the Waldkliniken Eisenberg.


We will give you comprehensive specialist advice on an individual basis in supplying you with medical devices and technical aids during and after your stay in hospital. Whether it be compression stockings, forearm crutches or bandages. We of course supply patients covered by the statutory health insurance as well as privately insured patients.

You can find further information under www.orthopädietechnik-eisenberg.de.


Tel.: 036691 8-1702
Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

The Kneipp® kindergarten

The Kneipp® kindergarten

The first years of life in particular are not just exciting, they are also essential for a child’s development, so it is our aim to accompany children along the first part of their way in life and provide them with the best possible start into their future.

Around 70 children are looked after in small groups by qualified preschool teachers under the leadership of Cornelia Göbel. Our Kneipp® kindergarten, which is financed by the Waldkliniken Eisenberg, has existed as a social institution since 1947.

For over 70 years now, the sons and daughters of our employees have played here, while their parents have been at work in the hospital. Of course, our preschool teachers also help many other children from the region in their start in life.

Since receiving official recognition as a day care centre by the “Kneipp®-Bund e.V.” in 2005, specially trained preschool teachers have been looking after the children in accordance with the Kneipp® concept.


Tel.: 036691 8-1885
Email: [email protected]

Opening hours:

Monday – Friday 5:45 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Management and team

Cornelia Göbel

  • Head of the day care centre
  • State-approved preschool teacher
  • Health educator

Angela Schönfuß

  • Deputy Head of the day care centre
  • State-approved preschool teacher
  • Health educator


Our groups

We offer children from the age of seven months up to school entry a place to play and learn. In order to be able to give your children the care and attention that they need, they are placed in small groups together with children of the same age, as far as possible not exceeding 12 or 18 children.

7 months to 2 years

2 to 3 years

Water hoppers: 
3 to 4 years

3 to 5 years

Woodland pixies: 
5 to 6 years


The Kneipp® concept

Children should discover the world with all five senses – we help them to do so and cater to their individual needs and interests. Our pedagogical concept is based on the classical naturopathic method of Sebastian Kneipp, which is ideally integrated into our everyday kindergarten routine and is based on five elements that are interconnected:

  • Order of life
  • Water
  • Movement
  • Diet
  • Medicinal plants

The combination of the five elements strengthens the body, mind and soul: The children learn the basics of a healthy and natural way of life through the Kneipp elements in a playful way. Further important goals of the health concept of the pastor Sebastian Kneipp are the strengthening of self-confidence, fostering of the sense of community by building up a feeling of togetherness, and learning of tolerance and consideration for others.


Activities and projects

The special activities offered by our kindergarten include joint parent-child days: Here, you can observe how your child interacts with other children of the same age in a group.
Among other things, we organise parent-child sports days, which take place in the large sports stadium in Eisenberg.

For all children about to start school, a highlight is the final outing with an overnight stay. The lantern festival is a joint event held by the kindergarten and the paediatric ward of the Waldkliniken Eisenberg. Apart from this, every year we organise a special Kneipp “feel-good week”, in which parents and children work together on projects to do with the five Kneipp elements.
Just wait and see: In these activities, you’ll get to know your child even better – and maybe your child will discover completely new things about you.


Inside and outside

Our kindergarten has five group rooms with sanitary facilities. The recreation rooms are equipped with age-appropriate toys: This enables the children to learn for the future while having fun.

In our adventure and exercise room, the children discover their surroundings and train their bodies at the same time, while the creative room leaves space for imagination and creativity.
In a special Kneipp room with a water-treading basin, arm baths and showers for Kneipp water treatments, the little ones learn about the topics of Kneipp and health in a child-friendly way.
And it goes without saying: Playing and having fun makes you thirsty and hungry. So, beside a children’s and tea kitchen, we have also set up a dining room.
Because the youngest need sufficient sleep, we naturally have two sleeping areas for the little ones.
If the weather’s fine, we get out into the fresh air: In our wooded area, the children have lots of opportunities to let off steam. Beside a slide, swings and a tree house, the highlights include a sand and water play area and a sauna with sauna garden.

On the raised flower beds, the little ones can explore nature and play being a gardener: Our children plant and tend vegetables, herbs, flowers and berry bushes with their own two hands. For the very young ones, there is a separate infant’s play area.



The kindergarten at the Waldkliniken has existed as a social institution since 1947. For over 70 years now, the sons and daughters of our employees have played here, while their parents have been at work in the hospital.

Our preschool teachers naturally also help many other children from Eisenberg and the surrounding area to make the best possible start in life.

Since it was founded, the kindergarten has been renovated several times and equipped with modern fittings. 

In 2005, the Kneipp® Association officially recognised the day care centre. Since then, specially trained preschool teachers have been looking after the children in accordance with the Kneipp® concept. This includes Kneipp applications to strengthen the immune system or child-appropriate dietary education. By the way, the little ones cultivate herbs and medicinal plants with their own two hands.
Since the autumn of 2009, around 60 children have been enjoying a completely new Kneipp® kindergarten at the Waldkliniken Eisenberg: On 700 square metres, the little ones now have more space on which to play and learn. The entire outdoor area with play garden covers 3,000 square metres and was converted by the gardening and landscaping company Uli Rosenkranz in the summer of 2010.



You can register your child/children directly at the administration of the city of Eisenberg.

Rudolf Elle Service GmbH

Rudolf Elle Service GmbH

They are the "good spirits" watching over our house. Our colleagues working for the Rudolf Elle Service GmbH. From reception to utility management – often out of sight for the patients – in action all around the clock, to ensure that the normal operations of the Waldkliniken run smoothly and you feel comfortable in our house.


The Rudolf Elle Service GmbH pools various services as a joint enterprise of the Waldkliniken Eisenberg and the Dorfner Group: It covers the areas of technology, outdoor facilities, reception, central sterilisation, material stores, pick-up and delivery service, cleaning and catering – in other words, all necessary services that are not directly linked to the medical care of patients – but without which it would not function.

Waldkliniken Eisenberg

Venue for meetings

With the mock-up building in the hospital grounds, we offer interested hospitals and companies (across all sectors) an unusual venue for meetings, which offers an insight into innovative hospital architecture with the concept of the "Healing Environment".

The mock-up includes a meeting room for up to 25 persons, which is equipped with the latest technology. The special thing about this is that the building located in the patient garden in the hospital grounds contains a 1:1 model (mock-up) of two patient rooms from the new ward block that is under construction. Here, constructional details have been and continue to be tested, adjusted and then adapted to the overall construction project together with the users (nurses, cleaners, physiotherapists, and many others) directly on the "model". Prepare to be surprised by this participatory form of practice-orientated hospital architecture. Take a walk through patient rooms that provide a completely new hospital room experience (a comment repeatedly heard by visitors to the mock-up: "I wouldn’t mind spending may holidays in a room like this.").

To complement this special location, we offer you an informal lecture about the visions, the implementation and further plans for the future at the Waldkliniken Eisenberg, held by the hospital management. A guided tour of the premises, with explanations on the advantages and consequences resulting from the mock-up building round off the experience.



Rent per hour, incl. tax50,00 €
Flat-rate charge for cleaning and seating, incl. tax50,00 €
Catering, table settingindividual*
Lecture and guided tour by hospital management (approx. 1 h)by arrangement

Contact: mockup(at)waldkliniken-eisenberg.de

*Ein Catering für Ihre individuellen Wünsche kann entsprechend angefragt werden. Alternativ können Sie auch Ihr Budget nennen und wir erstellen Ihnen ein entsprechendes Angebot. Schicken Sie Ihre Anfrage mit konkretem Termin an mockup(at)waldkliniken-eisenberg.de.

Waldkliniken Eisenberg

Funded projects

ACTIVE hospital

ACTIVE hospital

The European Union is funding a study on the conduct of a demonstration project (energy efficiency) at the Waldkliniken Eisenberg.


In March 2017, notification of the allocation of a grant from funds of the European Regional Development Fund (OP EFRE 2014 to 2020) was received. In the funding programme according to the guideline of the Free State of Thuringia for the funding of energy efficiency measures and demonstration projects for sustainable and future-orientated energy production and use in companies (GREEN invest), the Waldkliniken were awarded a grant for the study on the conduct of a demonstration project.

Both the increasing energy costs expected in the future and the move towards renewable energy make it urgently necessary for Germany’s hospitals to rethink how they are supplied with energy. The Waldkliniken Eisenberg are reacting to this within the context of the planned reconstruction and extension measures, additionally taking all existing buildings into account, by developing and implementing a future-orientated energy supply strategy for the hospital site.

Under the motto "ACTIVE hospital", a largely climate-neutral energy supply is aimed for, while achieving the greatest possible self-sufficiency in terms of energy needs. The new buildings, together with the existing ones and the renewable energy sources to be exploited on the hospital site, are to form an energy producer and consumer network that is actively regulated via an intelligent energy management system (EMS).

The EMS is designed to predict energy production and, with the aid of an intelligent load management, optimally distribute it to the consumers and also buffer short-term production peaks from the renewable energy sources. The volatile renewable energies, such as photovoltaics and solar thermal power make it urgently necessary to establish options for short-term buffering and seasonal storage.

This novel energy concept leads to energy savings through modern building control technology. The reduced energy requirements are coordinated with the production of renewable energy on the hospital site via an intelligent load management system. In addition, modern storage options increase in-house consumption of the renewable energy produced and thus the CO2 neutrality of the entire site.

Project ROGER

Project ROGER

The aim of the project robot-assisted gait training in orthopaedic rehabilitation (ROGER) is to develop a completely new type of personal training robot that will assist patients after orthopaedic operations on the foot, knee or hip in inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation measures, with personalised walking exercises to restore a normal physiological gait pattern.


The project is being supported by the Thuringian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Science and Digital Society with a grant from the European Regional Development Fund.

More about the project ROGER

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