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Waldkliniken Eisenberg

Pain therapy

In our outpatient pain therapy clinic headed by senior physician Dr. Frank Saul, we take care of people who suffer from chronic pain.

Our professional medical care provides patients with intensive support with the aim of improving their quality of life.

Close cooperation with the orthopaedics department enables very effective treatment planning, especially for patients with chronic back and joint pain.

Multimodal pain therapy

Multimodal pain therapy

Interdisciplinary multimodal pain therapy offers a comprehensive therapeutic approach for pain patients. A team of therapists from various different disciplines works hand in hand to achieve this, from anaesthetists, orthopaedic specialists and neurologists to psychologists and physiotherapists.


In order to optimally treat patients with chronic pain, the medical specialists and therapists draw together all facets of pain development into a holistic concept. This enables them to alleviate symptoms that cannot be relieved by applying individual therapeutic elements consecutively or successively.

Pain treatment after operations

Pain treatment after operations

We would like to see people get better as quickly as possible after they have undergone an operation. For this reason, each patient receives an individually adapted concept for postoperative pain therapy. Peripheral nerve anaesthesia by means of catheter physiotherapy, pharmacological pain therapy and also positioning of the patient play a role here..

The aim is to achieve early mobilisation of the patients and to prevent complications, such as thrombosis and pneumonia.

This will also shorten your stay on the ward – patients can return home more quickly. The thin tube of the pain catheter is already placed by medical staff before the operation under ultrasound guidance in the vicinity of the nerves to be anaesthetised. After the intervention, the local anaesthetic is injected into the respective region in order to reduce the pain. This may lead to a feeling of numbness in the area of the arm or leg. For this reason, the patient should only get out of bed with the aid of the nursing staff, to avoid falls.

NCA and PCA systems

We have so-called NCA and PCA systems at our disposal for this purpose. In the case of the standard procedure NCA (nurse-controlled analgesia), a member of the nursing staff monitors the release of the analgesic. In the case of the PCA method (patient-controlled analgesia), patients control the release themselves by means of a pump that can be regulated as required. There is no risk of overdosage when PCA is used, as the time and amount of analgesic delivered are limited by a computer.

Patients benefit from this PCA method to a high degree. They can adjust the release of the anaesthetic to their respective sense of pain – after all, they can judge this best for themselves.

After an outpatient operation in our orthopaedic clinic, the PCA method also enables many patients to return home quickly, where they can recover in their familiar surroundings: As one of just a few hospitals in Germany, we discharge patients back home with a pain catheter if they prefer to recover within their own four walls.

In addition, patients receive analgesics in tablet form or as an injection. Here, we combine morphine-like and anti-inflammatory medications as required.

Safety optimisation system

Safety optimisation system

We would like our patients to feel safe and secure at the Waldkliniken: Therefore, the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine takes part in the patient safety optimisation system "PaSOS-ains" of the German Society for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine.


This nationwide risk management system records unexpected events, but also excellent solutions to problem situations in all of the participating hospitals and notifies them to a central location: This enables doctors to learn from the experiences of their colleagues and improve the quality of care.

Don’t worry: Data protection and anonymisation of the incoming case reports are top priority in the "PaSOS-ains" system – the reports cannot be attributed to any particular person. Similarly to the aviation industry, it is a question of learning from "near misses" and optimising procedures.




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